

Seattle Film Summit
:48-Second Trailer

The 48 Hour Film Project and the Seattle Composers Alliance have teamed up to help promote the Seattle Film Summit, coming September 3rd – 11th, 2021!

The weekend of July 25/26th, teams of Seattle filmmakers had just 48 hours to write, film, edit and score a short film! Now that the films are finished, these teams are invited to create 48-second film trailers promoting the Seattle Film Summit, using footage from their films and behind the scenes.

Those trailers will need scores, and that’s where you can join in this mad dash! The SCA is compiling a library of :48 second trailer music for these filmmakers to choose from. Filmmakers may also contact a composer to tweak or whip up a new snippet of music for their trailer.

Music submissions are due on Sunday, August 1st!
Please review all instructions carefully and complete your registration below.

  • Seattle Film Summit (SFS) will judge the trailer submissions with these categories in mind: Artistic & Technical Merit (Originality, Story, Creativity, Production Value), Adherence to Assignment (brand elements, including SFS tagline, SFS sticker slap somewhere in the footage, collaboration with SCA composer).
  • 3 winning trailers will be selected to be used during marketing efforts as we climb towards this year’s Summit and throughout the weeklong event this September 3rd-11th.
  • Winning teams will receive complete digital access for all virtual Summit events plus 2 full Summit passes per team (full passes include access to limited-capacity in-person events).

Music Brief

  • The theme of the trailers is “What’s Your Summit?” The Seattle Film Summit’s brand themes are: Inspired, Re-emergence, Community, Hopeful, and Creative Economy.
  • “What’s Your Summit?” could conjure thoughts of reaching, soaring, and grasping one’s dreams, to be reflected in the composition.
  • “Inspired” music may have elements that are uplifting and positive.
  • “Re-emergence” can be communicated through a dramatic build.
  • “Community” might be conveyed through musical elements working together.
  • “Hopeful” music could include moments of anticipation.
  • “Creative Economy” might be represented as a driving force, gathering all of the above into one coherent theme with a strong forward momentum.
  • Your :48 seconds of music should reflect the emotional journey of filmmaking with the “hype factor” of trailers.

Music Map

  • :1 to :6 Quiet build, almost anxious.
  • :6 Burst into high energy, upbeat music.
  • :6 to :24 High energy, upbeat music.
  • :24 to :36 Frenzy!
  • :36 to :42 Tension release.
  • :42 to :48 Quiet rest then end.

How to Submit Your Music

  • Save your music file in .wav format. Audio quality should be the best that you can do. The file should be named as the title of your track.
  • In the form below, please introduce yourself in one paragraph (limit 250 characters). In a second paragraph (limit 250 characters), write a description of your track. Make sure you reference its title.
  • An SCA board member will send an email to the address you provide. This will contain a secure link where you will upload your track.
  • If you submit more than one track to the competition, please complete the entire process for each track. This will allow us to ensure each track has a listing that includes the correct composer’s information.
  • The SCA will provide the filmmakers a list that contains all tracks and associated composer information.
  • Filmmakers may reach out to you via the information you provide with questions and/or requests.
  • If your track is selected for a trailer, you will be notified and included as a member of the filmmaker’s trailer team. We cannot guarantee a track will be selected, but we would like to include all of these works in our SCA Playlist. Please let us know if you would not like us to include your track in the SCA Playlist.
  • The SCA has provided terms of usage to protect your music. Please review them carefully below before you participate.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a subject.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.
:48-Second Trailer Competition Terms & Conditions

By participating in the :48-Second Trailer Competition, Composers and Filmmakers agree to the following:

Indemnity – Composers and Filmmakers shall not hold the Seattle Composers Alliance, the 48 Hour Film Project, or the Seattle Film Summit liable for any damages incurred during the competition. All parties agree to resolve any disputes independently and at their own cost.

Scope of Use – The music compositions and recordings, including all individual tracks and cues, are permitted for single, exclusive use in the :48-Second Trailer Competition. The finished trailer productions – including video and audio – . are licensed by the filmmaker and composer to the Seattle Film Summit for use in perpetuity at no cost.

Terms – Composer grants to the filmmaker the single use of the music composition(s) and recordings specifically for the :48 Second Trailer Competition in perpetuity. Music compositions shall not be used by the Filmmakers, their contractors, subcontractors, or associates for any other productions or purposes without written permission from the Composer. Filmmakers agree to credit Composers for their work in the trailers and as members of their trailer team. Seattle Film Summit agrees to credit Filmmakers and Composers as creators of the :48 Second Trailers.
Rights – Composers shall retain rights to their musical compositions and recordings, and all results and proceeds thereof, regardless of their state of completion. Composers reserve the rights to modify, re-record, publish, perform, and license the musical compositions and recordings.  Composers are responsible for registering their music with their PRO and securing their own rights to their compositions.
You must accept the Terms and Conditions.