Several SCA Events in April and May!

sca-logo-big2Springtime at the Seattle Composers Alliance has been full of activity and we’re just getting started! We’ve got so much going on that we wanted to send you the condensed calendar of events to help you keep track of what we are offering, and what you should Save the Date for.


Tonight, Tuesday, April 26th The Second Annual Call for Scores, presented by the Seattle Composers Alliance, in conjunction with the NOCCO String Quartet and the Wayward Music Series. Participants for the Seattle Composer Alliance’s Second Annual Call for Scores ranged geographically from the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Canada and beyond, as well as local contributions from Seattle and throughout the United States. Ten of the finalist’s pieces will be performed tonight, April 26th, by the NOCCO String Quartet, as a part of the Wayward Music Series at The Chapel at the Good Shepherd Center, starting at 7:30pm. 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103.

Saturday, April 30th– SkyMuse Masterclass with Matt LaPoint. From Ron Jones: “It’s Spring and it is time for another great Master Class. While at the Namm show last January I saw Matt LaPoint who I have known for a long time. As I listened to him talk about the latest music technology and all the amazing things MOTU has brought to composers world-wide I thought it would be great to have Matt up for a Master Class. Matt has not only been the main guy in L.A. for MOTU but really the major force in helping so many of the very top composers with making their workflow and capabilities the very best. When you work on TV series, Features and Game scores you can not allow the music to be second rate or have gear that let’s you down. Prepare to be amazed and get ready to have many questions answered by a very knowledgable and experienced professional. You would have to make a trip to L.A. and be somewhere where Matt might be speaking to have a chance to tap into this high level of insight and expertise. Even if you use a non-Motu software so much of what we will cover speaks to issues universal to everyone. Trust me you will be dazzled. Lots of great things are happening at SkyMuse and we look forward to a good crowd as usual. We are having it in the afternoon this time (1-3 PM). It’s free, but please RSVP so we know how many to plan for and all that. Plus space is good for about 50. I hope to see you and that you can come and be part of another SkyMuse Master Class!” 1-3 PM (with added one-on-one time afterwards) Saturday April 30th, 2016 at SkyMuse Studios. 29127 40th Avenue NW Stanwood,WA 98292. Admission is free but please RSVP by e-mail to to hold a spot.


Sunday, May 1– Monthly SCA Board Meeting. If you’d like to hear what we’re cooking up, you’re invited to silently observe this monthly board meeting. Keep in mind, our time as a board to meet with each other is limited, so we’ll be moving quickly, but if you’re interested in hearing whats brewing, the meeting is open to public ears.

Saturday. May 7– DigiPen Audio Symposium. DigiPen Institute of Technology is pleased to host the fourth annual Audio Symposium, which is being jointly sponsored by the Game Audio Network Guild. Talks will cover a mix of topics related to sound engineering research, interactive music, and game audio. Featured talks include:


Scott Selfon (Engineer/Composer, Microsoft) – Tales of Audio from the Third Dimension!

Ivan Tashev (Audio Research, Microsoft) – Personalized Spatial Audio Rendering for Augmented and Virtual Reality

Ron Jones (Composer) – Compositional Thinking: Main Thing, Other Thing, and Tales from Making-Ideas-Grow-Land

Aaron MacLaren (Audio Programmer, Epic Games) – Audio Tech and Sound Design in the Unreal Engine


Location: DigiPen Institute of Technology. Cost: Free For more details visit This event is free and open to the public. Please register online if you plan to attend.

Tuesday, May 17th– The Seattle Composer Alliance’s Annual Spring Soiree, Auction and Gala! Come join us at The Royal Room at 5000 Rainier Ave S for a night of music, drinks, raffle tickets, and reverie. Bid on new software, books, private instruction and discounted services from local businesses! 7-11pm! Featuring live music from Grace Love and The Chancellors, Turnía, and Special Guests.

Thursday, May 19th– Penka Kouneva at ArenaNet. Penka Kouneva is an accomplished composer and orchestrator, having worked on scores for Elysium, Ender’s Game, Prince of Persia, Transformers, and collaborated with the likes of Hans Zimmer, Neal Acree, Steve Jablonsky, and more. The Seattle Composers Alliance has the joy and privilege of hosting Penka with the Seattle Game Audio Guild. Kouneva will be presenting on both the technical and creative aspects of scoring to virtual media. 6:30pm at Arena Net 10020 Main St # 164, Bellevue, WA 98004.

Sunday, May 22nd– The Monthly Demo Derby Day, hosted by Aaron Cadam Samuels. The Seattle Composers Alliance is hosting a score show-and-tell (derby) at the Seattle Film Institute [SFI]. This event is free and open to anyone who’d like to talk shop, meet local composers, and witness their work. Filmmakers! Please join us for this rare opportunity to meet local composers and gain a deeper knowledge about what composers do, why we make certain creative choices, and the sheer value that a composer can bring to your film. Film Composers! You will be given an opportunity to demonstrate a cue (or two, depending upon the length of your work and number of presenters) followed by a brief Q&A with the other attendees. Please bring your work on a flash drive or have your URL handy. Pure Music Composers! The main thrust of the SCA Derby is music for video, but we welcome pure music as well. You will be given an opportunity to demonstrate a piece (or two, again, depending on the aforementioned factors) followed by a brief Q&A with the other attendees. Please bring your work on a flash drive or have your URL handy. There will be a sign-up sheet at the event for those wishing to show – first come, first show. Generally, you will be allotted about 10 minutes – save some of that time for Q&A! If you miss a slot for this one, you can reserve your spot for the next derby.
Thanks for your time, we look forward to seeing you soon!!!!!



